Traveler stories were a series of "drawings" created using old thermal fax paper. Prior to Email or PDF files one would "fax" a copy of a scanned document over the phone line. Still in use to day but the older fax machines operated by "printing" the received information in minute rows onto thermally sensitive paper. A wand of sorts with a multitude of individual heat elements would turn on and of thus reproducing the text or image received through the phone line as data.
I used the paer as a drawing surface by heating up small metal objects such as pins, nails, tacks, thimbles, Mexican milagros and charms of all sorts to create an illustrated history of my early families migration form Mexico during the revolution to the US.
Drawing on thermal fax paper.
dimensions: 4" x 4"
Drawing on thermal Fax paper.
Dimensions: 8" x 4"
Drawing on thermal Fax paper.
Dimensions: 4" x 4"
Drawing on thermal Fax paper.
Dimensions: 8" x 4"
Drawing on thermal Fax paper.
Dimensions: 8" x 4"
Drawing on thermal Fax paper.
Dimensions: 8" x 4"
Drawing on thermal Fax paper.
Dimensions: 8" x 4"
The tentatively titled project called" the Dumpsters" is a middle grade story I have been working on for way to long. It is a futuristic story that takes place in a world where garbage has taken over the planet due to some terribly unfortunate mistakes and neglect. Countries no longer exist- only city-states under the cover of great domes governed by prime-minister like people.
The enclosed cities have limited population allowances and therefore cannot tolerate criminal activity with jails, and cannot tolerate any unpredictable behavior of any kind. All of those inhabitants who do not conform are jettisoned outside the dome into the vast and untamed "dump".
There is a ton of world building that has already taken place and I am currently writing the books. These are just some of the illustrations of the charachters our protagonists meet as they try to find their way home.
These are what some of the vast city-state domes look like from the outside. These are all drawn with a variety of Rapidograph pens.
Clarence is his real name. He is one of the early causes of the "fall" when it began to rain garbage from space for over 100 years. It wasn't really his fault though.
A character from the dump. His main interesting feature is a large talking wart on his chin who he consults regularly.
All you need to bring is somthing to add to the soup and something to eat in and with and away you go for a great bowl of Mr. Spoons soup!
Extremely shy, Stewpot says very little, but when he does it is a good idea to listen.
Among the most feared beings in all the Dump. It is said that he was horribly disfigured and wore an umbrella to cover his face. His anger and power are feared far and wide.
Zeena is a poet. She does not talk- well she chooses not to. She pulls a yellow wagon throughout the dump, filled with jars of colored sand. When a poetic phrase hits her, she picks a color of sand- ours it into a shape then scrawls the poem or part of it into the sand. Her poems are very short sometimes only three words.
What else can one say that has not already been said of the gluttonous, rude, arrogant, and greedy man. He is actually the reason the world is in the state it is today.
Twiggers is her nickname. Snooty beyond belief, she sometimes is outraged by her own reflection thinking it is another person! Very fashionable she rarely ever approves of anyone's wardrobe.
These two are among the most eccentric in the dump. Lula is terribly allergic to bees but for some reason she just cant keep them from befriending her. Pockets picks up almost anything interesting and stows it away- somewhere.
Durer print as source. Horizontally doubling grid. using all hardnesses and softenesses of graphite. One can learn a lot about graphite in 20 + hours- again way before photoshop.
Dimensions: 16" x 20"
We had to double our grid in one direction, and use two colors of pencil to create a multidute of others. Waaaay before photoshop. Fun? uh well....
Dimensions: 16" x 20"
After an Albrect Durer print. What to say..Lots of dots. two colors. dip nib pen on paper.
dimensions: 6" x 8"
Drawing. Graphite on paper. I pretty much just copied this form a magazine freestyle- not terribly hard. Then I left Italy and my friend Jaimie would not let me borrow his magazine with the photo in it to finish the drawing. Web wasn't invented yet.
Dimensions: 28" x 24"
Illustration. Ink, watercolor on paper
Dimensions: 16 x 20"